Into Your Extraordinary Life
> Have the past couple of years left you wondering what your future has to offer?
 >Do you have questions about the path you want to take so you can live a more meaningful life?
> Has the loss of a loved one caused you to seek life's deeper inquiries?
The wisdom you are seeking resides deep within.

You are here to be magnificent -

to live life full-out from

the blueprint of your soul -

the heaven within!


Okay, you may have heard this before - how to live and extraordinary life. However, the depth of your inner wisdom is what leads you toward your natural fulfillment - to the most truthful, highest expression of yourself.  

It's truly simple, because...

      > Here is where your mind joins with your heart, for you are here to be magnificent.

     > Here is where you rediscover innate gifts and talents, to live life full-out.

     > Here you live in harmony from the blueprint of your soul - the heaven within


It is in the present moment of here and now 
where you become one who transforms ordinary circumstances
into the extraordinary golden radiance of life.
"Hi Ardyce.
Thanks for your thoughtful words. I feel assured they bless all who receive your Newsletter. We are all strengthened as we push through challenging times. Out of such circumstances we bless others along life's pathway."  ~Dale Argotsinger
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About Ardyce

Ardyce West is an optimal blend of transformation and spiritual alchemy. For fifteen years as a licensed and certified transformational life coach, she has supported both men and women in living a wholehearted life through her brilliant guidance and intuition.

She is an accomplished artist, illustrator, and published author of eight books, and a captivating storyteller. She works with individuals, and also presents empowering workshops featuring her two near-death-experiences, resulting in her fascinating life, living through the grace of the Eternal Now.